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Integral human development in harmony with nature

On 7 September 2019 at Iavoloha, the presidential palace, Pope Francis delivered a strong message on the urgent need for the Malagasy State to make the protection of Madagascar's biodiversity a priority.

His alarm calls for "forest fires, poaching, rampant cutting of precious woods (...), trafficking and illegal exports".
Quoting "Laudato si" (Praised bey ou in English), his encyclical on environmental and social issues, he said that it is not only a matter of finding ways to preserve natural resources, but also of finding “full solutions that take into account the interactions of natural systems with each other and with social systems ". " There can be no real ecological approach or concrete work to environmental protection without the integration of social justice that grants the right to the common destination of the earth's goods to current and future generations. “ he added.
This specific message that puts environmental protection and social justice at the center of the country's development must reach out to our leaders. The Pope's speech puts into perspective the way which must be that of Madagascar for sustainable human development in harmony with nature. As a solution, the Pope argued that "it is (...) important to create jobs and income-generating activities that respect the environment and help lift people out of poverty."
The 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity will take place in China in 2020. Under the aegis of the United Nations, world leaders will meet in the context of this convention that Madagascar has ratified. They will formulate the vision and the new objectives to counter the biodiversity loss for the next 10 years.
The leaders of Madagascar could express their clear commitment to the biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use. It would be their contribution to our "common house".