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For a Green Zeta River: Saving Our Natural Treasure

The 2019 Earth Day marked the beginning of the For a Green Zeta River Initiative whose goal is to protect the upper Zeta.

GORNJEPOLJSKI VIR, MONTENEGRO – For a Green Zeta River is a newly founded initiative that marked the 2019 Earth Day by cleaning illegally dumped waste in Gornjepoljski Vir. The action served to remind citizens of Nikšić of the great natural wealth of the region, often ignored and wantonly destroyed. The main goal of the initiative is to gain public support for the protection and preservation of the Zeta River for future generations.

“For decades, the Zeta River is being polluted from various sources, primarily municipal and industrial wastewaters. Also, solid waste can be seen in the river and on its banks, creating considerable pressures on the riverine ecosystem”, said Milija Čabarkapa from WWF Adria.

For a Green Zeta River Initiative, organized by the Ozon Ecological Organization with the aim of protecting the enormous biodiversity of the upper Zeta River, is supported by WWF Adria. The biodiversity of the Zeta, as well as its potential for the development of sustainable tourism and recreation, has been recognized in national and international strategic documents.

Aleksandar Perović, the director of Ozon, said that the Earth Day was a great opportunity to remind citizens of the importance of their involvement in the decision-making processes regarding the environment and the start of the petition for the Zeta River.

“Our intention is to remind the citizens of Nikšić, and all other interested individuals recognizing the importance of freshwater systems for Montenegro of its natural wealth. Majority of people from Montenegro have never been in this area and it is our wish, apart from signing the petition, to show them the possibility of valorisation of this incredible natural resource primarily through educational tourism, but also through other tourism branches, currently considered alternative”, concludes Perović.
Zeta River, Montenegro
Cleaning illegally dumped waste in Gornjepoljski Vir, Montenegro
Milija Čabarkapa