Consultancy to provide short-term communications support to the programme SWIO seascape programme
Terms of reference
Title :
Consultancy to provide short-term communications support to the programme SWIO seascape programme
Department :
Project :
MG203401-MACP2 Coastal Community-based conservation in Indonesia and the Western Indian Ocean
MG205800-Bloomberg - Regional MCS Efforts in Madagascar and the South-West Indian Ocean
MG205000 - Unlocking a Sustainable Blue Economy in the South West Indian Ocean
MG206100- Mangrove Management For Climate Risk Resilience and Improved Livelihoods
Supervisor :
SWIO seascape Lead
Type of contract :
Consultancy (international)
Date :
August to December 2023 (58 working days at maximum)
Reference :
1. Background on the SWIO seascape Programme
The SWIO Seascape Regional Programme is hosted by WWF-Madagascar and covers South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya and Madagascar, where WWF has country offices. The South West Indian Ocean seascape is a globally important – and highly at risk – region. It is a biodiversity hotspot where people’s well-being is inextricably linked with the ability of ecosystems to provide food, a means of income and protection against the effects of climate change.
The SWIO Seascape strategy has four goals: By 2030,
1. Ecosystem-based fisheries management ensures the long-term sustainability of key fisheries in SWIO, particularly the tuna and shrimp fisheries, and contributes to the well-being of local communities and national economies of target countries.
2. Critical enabling conditions are in place to mobilise 250 million USD towards an inclusive and Sustainable Blue Economy
3. 20 million ha effectively managed by empowered coastal communities restoring 9400ha of mangroves & building the climate resilience & food security of 2.3 million people
4. Large scale threats (extractives, infrastructure) to SWIO mitigated through Integrated Ocean Governance and delivery of 30 X 30
2. Context and justification
To support its fundraising efforts and raise its profile within and outside of the WWF International network, WWF’s South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) Seascape Regional Programme needs, among others, the following communications products:
- A website, to be developed using WWF’s custom CMS;
- Three two-page fact sheets based on WWF’s design template;
- Social media engagement, aiming for two posts per week, to raise awareness of SWIO Programme activities on the ground and celebrate successes in a timely manner.
The following activities are envisaged:
- Website copy to be extracted from the existing integrated annual report, with updates on time-bound data from the various country managers.
- Three fact sheets to be drafted based on information from the SWIO seascape lead. Additional desktop research may be required.
- Drafting and publishing of two social media posts per week for a period of five months (August to December 2023) initially on Twitter, with potential for Facebook and Instagram (using same content).
3. Expected results
By the end of the assignment, the following achievements are expected:
- SWIO seascape Programme profile is enhanced at both internal and external of WWF Network;
- Key communication materials (such as factsheets, reports, policy briefs) are developed and produced with a high quality designs
- WWF SWIO Seascape Programme web site are operational
- WWF SWIO social media are active and contribute to enhancing the SWIO seascape Programme profile and networking
4. Assignment period
The execution of the entire contract is to take place from August to December 31st 2023. The deadlines for the individual work sections are listed under deliverables in this ToR. The consultancy should not exceed 58 working days to complete spread over the five months.
Please download the following document to read the rest of the request for proposals: