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Civil Society Organizations ready to commit in implementing the Global Framework for Biodiversity adopted in Montreal

If there is one thing Madagascar is renowned for worldwide, it's its exceptional biodiversity.

Our biodiversity remains one of our greatest treasures. Studies carried out by FAPBM (Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar) on the monetary value of biodiversity have estimated the contribution of terrestrial protected areas to the national economy at 500 million dollars per year. This confirms the importance of biodiversity for our future and that of future generations, and makes it all the more urgent to preserve and restore it before this is no longer possible.

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted in 2022, to halt and reverse the loss of nature worldwide, and is part of this urgency that is not unique to Madagascar. Unlike previous frameworks, this global framework explicitly engages all sectors of activity that positively or negatively impact ecosystems and biodiversity.  This is an essential condition for saving our planet.
The urgency is reflected in the targets set for 2030, like those of the Paris Agreement on global warming and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. This is no accident. Indeed, according to scientists, the year 2030 marks the tipping point, in other words, the point of no return. This means that unless effective action is taken against the various threats and pressures by 2030, the consequences for biodiversity will be irreversible. "If we want a future for humans and all other living beings, we must work to achieve these 2030 targets," said Nanie Ratsifandrihamanana, Director of WWF Madagascar. "Take coral reefs, for example: if we don't act in time, they will continue to suffer the effects of climate change, deteriorating faster and faster, along with all the biodiversity they shelter. The national economy, which relies on fishing, will suffer the consequences, and in particular the livelihoods of coastal communities will be greatly affected," she added.

Madagascar will need to update its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), which will reflect the way in which the country will implement the global framework.  This means recognizing the urgency of the situation and moving away from "Business as Usual", in particular by engaging all stakeholders through a multi-sector, multi-actor approach. "Although many people are still unaware of the national biodiversity strategy and plan, all Madagascans should take ownership of it, because I reiterate that biodiversity is our greatest asset, and it's everyone's business," concluded Nanie Ratsifandrihamanana.

With this in mind, civil society organizations began discussions with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development this week. Together, they agreed that they had (1) a good understanding of the global biodiversity framework, (2) what this means for Madagascar in terms of measures and approaches to be adopted, and (3) the role of civil society organizations and the close collaboration needed to be established.

Rantonirina Rakotoaridera, National Focal Point for the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MESD), underlines the importance and purpose of these exchanges, "We are going to strengthen the understanding and capacities of each of the partners here present with a view to implementing this global framework for biodiversity at national level. The Ministry remains the leader and coordinator, but the main contributors are biodiversity stakeholders, including civil society organizations".
We are now only six years away from 2030. It is crucial that we act effectively and together, and this is not just a matter for environmentalists or the MESD, it's everyone's business!