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Let's make wildlife a national pride, let’s contribute to its survival!

​Wildlife refers to animal and plant species that live in natural environments (forests, oceans, grasslands and other undisturbed ecosystems), unmodified by human activities, and where species can live and reproduce according to their natural instincts.

Wildlife is important for maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. Around 80% of Madagascar's flora and fauna are found nowhere else in the world. And yet, these wild species are sometimes extracted from their natural habitat, and transited through cities, countries and continents to supply various national and international markets and industries.
Trafficking is one of the main pressures threatening wild species, and today ranks 4th among forms of transnational crime (TRAFFIC, UONDC...). National data on wildlife seizures in Madagascar alone between 2013 and 2021 record 315,619 specimens seized, all species included. Among the most coveted species are seahorses, black coral, lemurs, live chameleons, precious wood and turtles (Source: legal gazettes, official pages of the regional offices of environment and sustainable development - DREDD). With their survival compromised, these species are coming dangerously close to extinction. The radiated tortoise (Sokake) is one of the most widely trafficked species, supplying the black market for domestication in China and Southeast Asia.
All endangered species are listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This convention, signed by 184 countries, including Madagascar, aims to regulate international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants in order to prevent any threat to the survival of these species. Under Malagasy law, any offence relating to wildlife trafficking is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, depending on the seriousness of the offence. Fines can range from 10,000,000 Ariary to 200,000,000 Ariary and imprisonment from 6 months to 10 years, as stipulated in l’article 29 et suivants de la loi 2005-018 du 17 octobre 2005. (The international trade in species of wild fauna and flora)
Madagascar remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world, ranked 145th out of 180 countries with a score of 25/100 according to the Corruption Perceptions Index in 2023. This high level of corruption exacerbates the pressure on wildlife survival. In fact, corruption intensifies trafficking because it is present at almost every level of the trafficking circuit, enabling traffickers to operate with impunity. Bribes are commonplace to hinder law enforcement and facilitate the passage of goods by corrupting the services and authorities concerned.
It's important to remember that our wildlife is one of our greatest richness. Let's make them a source of national pride. Let's be among those who work to protect them, those who contribute to their survival, and those who dare to denounce these practices.
Call 512 or 955 to denounce wildlife trafficking.