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Be part of the plan to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030

This May 22, we celebrate the International Day of Biodiversity. An opportunity to highlight our planet's unique biodiversity, but also to warn of its alarming loss.

Nature is in crisis, destroyed at a rate unprecedented in human history. Joining forces to reverse the loss of nature is not a choice, it's a necessity.

So how can we meet one of the greatest challenges of our time?
We need to reverse the loss of nature and end the decade with more nature than when we started, not less. By achieving this goal - positive nature by 2030 - we can prove that change is possible, supporting the full recovery of nature in the coming decades and ensuring a liveable planet for future generations. Indeed, nature is one of our main allies in the fight against the climate crisis, as it absorbs greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and traps them in plants, soils and oceans.
We've got our goal, so what's the plan? The good news is that we already have one.
In December 2022, at the 15th United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), representatives from 196 nations came together to adopt a landmark agreement: the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which unites the world behind a clear mission to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030.
Let's take a look at how the Global Biodiversity Framework aims to achieve this goal, and what governments have pledged to do.
First of all, we need to take immediate action to conserve the species and areas most threatened by nature loss.
1. Halting the extinction of species
We need to put an end to the extinction of species caused by man, by taking steps to restore and conserve populations of the most critically endangered animals and plants. This includes ensuring that the exploitation and trade of wild species is sustainable, safe and legal.
2. preserving habitats
We must also protect the spaces and places that are home to our planet's incredible biodiversity. That's why the GBF calls for the conservation of at least 30% of the planet's land, inland waters and oceans, and the restoration of 30% of degraded ecosystems, by 2030.
3. Tackling the direct drivers of nature loss
Our production sectors - including agriculture and food systems, fisheries, forestry, infrastructure and resource extraction - are among the main contributors to the loss of nature. We need to take urgent steps to transform these sectors, so that they work with nature rather than against it.
The GBF aims to reduce this unsustainable footprint of production and consumption, while ensuring that there is enough healthy, nutritious food for everyone - and that no one goes hungry. This means replacing demand for products that have the greatest impact on nature - commodities like palm oil, soy, overexploited beef and seafood - with more sustainable choices. 
To reduce our footprint, we also need to cut our food waste by at least half.
4. Rethinking finance
The GBF aims to redirect financial flows from activities that harm our planet to those that heal it. At the same time, it commits wealthier countries to provide more financial resources to developing countries, supporting their conservation efforts, as they are the hardest hit by the loss of nature.
The GBF also encourages companies and financial institutions to invest in nature, and to regularly monitor, assess and disclose the impact of their activities on biodiversity.
5. Working with and for people
That's why the GBF calls for a human rights-based approach to conservation, ensuring that reversing the loss of nature supports and promotes - rather than disrupts - human livelihoods and rights, including the right to a healthy environment.
Indigenous peoples and local communities in particular are among nature's most important custodians, and are directly dependent on the habitats we aim to conserve. It is therefore essential to recognize and support their rights to land and resources, while ensuring that both are used and managed sustainably.
A rights-based approach also means actively involving indigenous peoples and local communities in decision-making, and promoting equal access to opportunities and resources, particularly for groups that are not often recognized, such as women, girls and young people.
But a plan is only effective if it is followed by action - it is now up to our governments to move swiftly from agreement to action.
The targets set by the Global Biodiversity Framework must be a floor, not a ceiling. Governments can and must go further by drawing up their own national plans and targets and, above all, by taking the concrete steps needed to achieve them. Nature - and the impacts on nature - must become a permanent priority in all aspects of their decision-making, so that we can all live prosperously and harmoniously with our planet.
Be part of the plan!