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Short–term consultancy - Support increasing the WWF Africa Adaptation Hub portfolio
Title: Short–term consultancy - Support increasing the WWF Africa Adaptation Hub portfolio
Project reference: MG 2029.02 - Resilience for People and Biodiversity - Africa Adaptation Hub
Department: Conservation
Supervisor: AAH coordinator
Type of contract: Consultancy
Duration: The total working days should not exceed 70 days
I. Background
The WWF Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) has been hosted by WWF Madagascar since August 2018; AAI has shifted progressively to become a Hub from 2021, increasingly playing a central role for WWF Africa on climate adaptation. The Africa Adaptation Hub (AAH) is currently developing its strategy. The overall aim of the Hub is accelerate quality/impactful WWF adaptation work for people and nature in Africa. This requires increasing the level of funding that will help to accelerate implementation of adaptation interventions with tangible impacts on people and nature. According to the AfDB’s latest African Economic Outlook report current finance flows (2021-22) represent just 15–30% of assessed annual adaptation needs of the continent. From the 2023 adaptation gap report, the estimated costs/needs of adaptation are now approximately 10–18 times as much as international public adaptation finance flows, which has grown significantly. The Hub has a role to contribute to ramping up funding for adaptation work in Africa and to transition from small to large scale multi-year funding. Therefore, WWF is seeking to hire a consultant to support increasing the WWF Africa Adaptation Hub funding portfolio, in accordance with WWF priorities.-
Objective of the consultancy
- Assess the trends, opportunities and constraints related to climate adaptation finance (based on internal and external priorities) for Africa to identify where the Hub fundraising efforts on adaptation should be focused on.
- Map relevant donors that are supporting similar Hub and regional interventions on adaptation, considering all donor types, with recommendations on key donors to establish strong engagement.
- Support developing ideas for bankable concept/proposal for the Hub based on its priorities, to present to relevant donors identified from the mapping.
- Raise the profile of the WWF Africa Adaptation Hub at least to top three relevant donors, and unlock partnership with these donors.
- Support the development of concepts/proposals with submission of at least two medium scales and one large scale funding to the top priority donors.
- Support AAH in developing practical climate finance training module on adaptation designed for key partners (including CSO and Youth), and support delivering a sharing and learning session for these partners.
- Support the development of the AAH Hub’s fundraising strategy including good fundraising models.
Regular discussions will take place between AAH and the consultant during this assignment to ensure smooth implementation of this assignment.
III. Deliverables
The following deliverables are expected:Deliverables | Number of days | Due date |
a. Inception report | 1 | 5 days after the kick off meeting with WWF |
b. Report covering the climate adaptation finance dynamics and a comprehensive donor map | 5 | Two weeks after the submission of the inception report |
c. AAH fundraising strategy | 5 | By 30 June 2024 |
d. Fundraising training module & sharing and learning support | 10 | By 15 August 2024 |
e. Support to ongoing concept/proposal development within or supported by AAH | 10 | Span over the contract signature until 30 November 2024. |
f. Concept/proposal ideas, donor partnership/ engagement report and proof of submitted concepts/proposals | 39 | Span over the contract signature until 30 November 2024. |
Total of working days | 70 |
The above timeline is subject to revision based on common agreement. In the event of late submission of reports/products, WWF reserves the right to deduct 1‰ per day of delay from the total due fees.
IV. Duration
The contract spans over 6 months. The expected start date is 15 May 2024 and final deliverables should be received by 30 November 2024. The total working days should not exceed 70 days.V. Required Qualifications
Individual or group of consultants that qualifications & experience include:- University degree or higher academic credentials in climate finance, or other relevant fields;
- Strong track records in successful concept/proposal development ;
- Proven experience in strong engagement with strategic donors;
- Strong knowledge of donors priorities, instruments, mechanisms, and experiences in unlocking collaboration with relevant donors;
- Strong experiences around climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, nature based solutions for adaptation and good knowledge of Africa, global trends and funding needs;
- Relevant experiences in working with international organizations or NGOs on similar consultancy assignments;
- Fluent in English, and ability to understand other languages (at least written skills).
VI. Coordination and supervision
This work will be realized under the supervision of AAH coordinator of WWF Madagascar Country Office, who will approve all deliverables and all receipts.All requested reports/deliverables shall be written in English.
VII. Application
Those interested are required to submit the following by email to with the reference “AO-013/TNR/24 Short–term consultancy – Support increasing the WWF Africa Adaptation Hub portfolio – MG2029.02 - Relaunch” in subject line delivered not later than May 07th at 17.00 pm EAT time with:
a) A technical proposal :- Detailed methodology and planning based on the ToR and expectations
- The consultants’ resume (which shall state clearly any experience similar to the object of the present service and indicating key references and the field of specialization.
- A financial proposal in Euro. The budget should give details of consultancy days by category as well as daily rates, along with management secretariat costs (if appropriate). Daily rates and expenditures should be shown separately. The offer should also show tax-exempt and taxable costs. Where costs are tax-exempt, explanations should be provided. (Please note that any costs for developing proposals in response to this assignment are not reimbursable).
If any, WWF will directly pay for all expenses related to travels, so those expenses should not appear in the consultant offer. The rate of Per diem and Accommodation should not exceed WWF’s rate and the airfare is based on Economic class.
For the particular case of non-resident consultants, the consultant is subject to the payment of the Tax on Income from Non-Resident (under Article 01.01.14.'s Tax Code CGI) up to 10% (or 5 % if based in Mauritius). A remark on this tax should appear in the financial offer.
VIII. Evaluation of offers
An evaluation committee will review and rank the received offers.The technical evaluation criteria are as follows:
Understanding of the mandate/Methodology | 20 |
Qualifications and capacity of the key consultant(s) | 30 |
Track record in successful concept/proposal development, in engaging with strategic donors and relevant similar experience | 40 |
Mission timetable / workplan | 10 |
The adjudication returns to the best technical offer (among those which has an evaluation score higher than 70/100) whose financial offer does not exceed the available budget. The possibility for negotiation is not excluded when the best technical offer had submitted a financial offer exceeding the budget available.
IX. Notes on canceling the current tender
The current offer may be cancelled under the following conditions:· Competitiveness is not adequate;
· No offers meet the requirements ;
· Received offers significantly overreach the proposed budget.
X. Conditions of the work
The proposed work will be carried out under contract upon which the present ToRs will be attached as an annex. The contract will be drawn up after the offer has been confirmed.The consultants will assume all fiscal responsibilities relative to their tax status. Consultants are responsible for the payment of any tax that might be demanded within the framework of this agreement, assuming that he is able to justify he is in good standing and up to date vis-à-vis administrative and tax authorities; otherwise, and in accordance with the law, WWF is obliged to withhold at source on the amount of its services or fees / bills, the percentage to be paid to the taxes authorities.
The consultants will be subject to WWF management procedures at all times.
WWF cannot grant in advance honorary fees.
XI. Payment of fees
Payments will be made in three installments as follows:i. 20% of the total amount of fees, upon completion and submission of the deliverable (a), (b) and (c), and their acceptance by the WWF supervisor; and submission and approval of an invoice detailing services rendered.
ii. 40% of the total amount of fees, upon completion and submission of the deliverable (d) and first deliverables of (e) and (f), and their acceptance by the WWF supervisor; and submission and approval of an invoice detailing services rendered.
iii. 40% of the total amount of fees, upon completion and submission of the second deliverables of (e) and (f), and their acceptance by the WWF supervisor; and submission and approval of an invoice detailing services rendered.
The invoice must contain the following information: name and address of the consultant, invoice date, unique invoice number, amount of fees free of charges, amount of taxes, service rendered, deliverable and/or number of hours charged, period in which service was provided, bank details.
XII. Fraud, corruption and conflict of interest declaration
Candidates have read entirely the WWF Policy for interests and the WWF Policy Conflicts for Prevention and the Survey of Fraud and Corruption. He understands his responsibilities to comply, and fully commits to it. He acknowledges he has no conflicts, as described in the WWF's Policy on Conflicts of Interest: Ethics
Candidates must respect the professional rules of conduct without any reproach in the conduct of its mandate. Furthermore, the contractor will ensure not to tarnish the image of the WWF execution of its mandate. WWF gives the right to terminate the agreement in proven cases of misconduct that can harm the WWF.