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Consultancy for the Production of Three Animated Short Videos to support the promotion of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Northen Mozambique Channel (NMC) region

AO – 001/TNR/25
Department: Conservation
Projects: MG203700, MG208000 
Supervisor: Area-based conservation pillar lead for the SWIO Seascape Programme 
Type of contract: Consultancy (international) 
Period: January to June 2025

The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region is currently embarking on several efforts to promote sustainable blue economy, integrated ocean governance and marine spatial planning (MSP). These have been triggered and are underpinned by various African Union (AU) strategies, related conventions (such as AU Agenda 2063, the African Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS) 2050), and the recent decisions of the Nairobi Convention (NC) and the commitments of WIO countries on these subjects. The use of MSP is considered an important tool to achieve sustainability, inclusiveness and equity in all sectors of the coastal and marine domain. The Nairobi Convention developed the WIO regional MSP strategy with the aim of providing a coherent framework for countries and harmonizing national MSP processes, while helping the region address challenges and/or cross-border and cross-sectoral MSP issues. Such an endeavour will also help encourage support from donors and stakeholders and is important in fostering better coordination in the region. 

The Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) – a recognised ecologically or biologically area of significant importance has long been a haven for marine and coastal biodiversity. The potential of the NMC as a transboundary site for regional conservation was first identified by experts during a regional workshop organized through the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) in November 2009, in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Such transboundary networking of management areas would build on individual sites already in place and under multiple different management entities and authorities. In 2012, an assessment by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre Marine Programme identified the NMC as the highest priority region meeting the design criteria for a World Heritage Site, comprising multiple sites of potential outstanding Universal Value. Also in 2012, the NMC was described as meeting the criteria for Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) under the Convention on Biological Diversity. Here, mangroves and seagrass beds act as nurseries for a wide range of fish species, is one of the most biodiverse coral reef area with some of the world’s most climate-resilient coral species present, and deeper offshore currents, provide a refuge for whale sharks, manta rays, dugong and marine turtles. The area is also home to about 10 million of people who are highly dependent on nature for their livelihoods, which provides food, building materials, income from tourism and protection against climate-related impacts such as storm surges. The growing demand for fisheries resources and the discovery of offshore oil, gas and mining reserves in recent years has created the need for coastal governments of countries part of the NMC to urgently develop legislation and policies to guide how their countries will seize the economic opportunities inherent in the  region’s rapidly growing blue economy in a way that benefits all parties. Such policies will need to balance the short-term promise of exploiting oil and gas reserves with long-term development goals and the needs of coastal residents – whose number is expected to double by 2040 and who rely heavily on the food, livelihood and other resources that a healthy ocean can provide. Compounding the challenge is the loss of local fish stocks to distant fishing nations and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Collaborative work in the region has drawn on the principles of transformative integrated ocean governance to ensure that all stakeholders have a voice in policy dialogues that result in commonly agreed decisions pertaining to blue resources, with the ultimate aim of ensuring that the inherent value of the Northern Mozambique Channel is optimised for the benefit of the WIO and the society as a whole. 

Subsequent workshops in July and August 2024, co-organised by the Nairobi Convention Secretariat and WWF, ensured coherence with existing frameworks and strategies for the WIO endorsed by the Nairobi Convention. Holding this workshop was also built on previous decisions taken by the 8th and 9th Conference of Parties at the Nairobi Convention through Decision CP8/6(b) and Decision CP9/7(b) on the Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) integrated ocean management approach. These decisions identified the need for trans-boundary protection and highlighted the NMC as a good example of integrated ocean management approach. The outcomes of this workshop include: 
  • An agreed common draft vision for the regional MSP of the NMC region: “A sustainable future where healthy ecosystems support, and are supported by thriving local communities and a vibrant economy which optimises the value of ocean resources within the NMC over the long-term without jeopardising the use for future generations”;
  • Draft roadmap for the implementation of MSP in the NMC region, taking into account the different challenges and opportunities to the development of MSP in the region: harmonised governance, harmonised MSP processes, IOM, poverty reduction through and inclusive SBE and capacity building;
  • MSP readiness assessment for each NMC country;
  • Review of NMC scenarios 
The next step involves the validation of the technical guideline that supports the implementation of Marine Spatial Planning in the NMC region.
This consultancy aims to support the promotion of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) as a key tool for the sustainable management of marine resources in the NMC region. The videos will highlight the importance of the NMC region as a biodiversity hotspot and underscore the role of Marine Spatial Planning. In addition, they will also translate the vision and roadmap, along with the technical guideline, into more consumable materials tailored for different types of stakeholders across the region. 

The consultancy will produce three animated short videos designed to:
- Raise awareness about the significance of the NMC region and its ecological, economic, and social value;
- Explain the concept of Marine Spatial Planning and its importance for the NMC region;
- Communicate the vision, roadmap, and technical guidelines for easier implementation in the NMC countries. 

Key activities
The consultant/agency will be responsible for:
  1. Attending a briefing session to understand the key messages, objectives, and target audience.
  2. Developing creative concepts, scripts, and storyboards for each video based on the topics: 
    • Video 1: The Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) region and its importance.
    • Video 2: What is MSP and why it’s important at the NMC/regional level.
    • Video 3: Vision, roadmap, and technical guidelines for the NMC region.
  3. Producing three animated videos (1 minute each) with engaging visuals, professional voiceovers, subtitles in French, Portuguese and Swahili, and background music.
  4. Incorporating feedback from WWF SWIO and Nairobi Convention Secretariat during the review process.
  5. Delivering final videos in multiple formats optimized for platforms such as social media, websites, and presentations. 
Deliverables and timeline
The consultancy will span from January 2025 to June 2025.

Key milestones include:
# Deliverables Deadline
a) Submission of concepts, scripts and story boards 20th February 2025
b) 1st draft animated videos 1) & 2)  20th March 2025
c) Improved versions videos 1) and 2)  27th March 2025
d) 2nd draft animated videos 1) and 2)   15th March 2025
e) Final versions of animated videos 1) and 2)  30th March 2025
f)  1st draft of animated video 3) 25th April 2025
g) Improved version of animated video 3) 9th May 2025
h)  2nd draft of animated video 3) 23rd May 2025
i)  Final version of animated video 3) 6th June 2025
The consultant should ensure WWF branding is well applied in every communication deliverable.
Any delay in submission of the reports/products will result in a deduction of 1‰ per day of delay from the total fees.

Eligibility and qualifications of the consultant
The individual, team of consultants or firm should have:
  1. Proven experience in producing animated videos on environmental, biodiversity conservation, marine, or similar topics.
  2. Strong skills in storytelling, animation design, and scriptwriting.
  3. Familiarity with the concepts of MSP, marine conservation, and integrated ocean governance (preferred).
  4. Capacity to deliver high-quality outputs within the agreed timeline.
Coordination and supervision
This work will be realized under the supervision of the Area-based conservation pillar lead for the SWIO Seascape Program who will approve all deliverables and all receipts.
All requested reports/deliverables shall be written in English.

Offer presentation
The interested consultants are required to submit the following offers by email to procurement@wwf.mg with the reference “AO-001/TNR/25 Production of Three Animated Short Videos to support the promotion of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) region” in subject line delivered not later than January 28th, 2025 at 17.00 pm EAT time with:

- A technical proposal:
  • Supplier information
  • Understanding of the request and describing the proposed approach and methodology to deliver the mandate based on the ToR and expectations
  • The consultants’ resume (which shall state clearly any experience similar to the object of the present service and indicating key references and the field of specialization). Template for the resume is available on the link https://bit.ly/2H2M8Ed (or request to be sent to procurement@wwf.mg)
  • Portfolio/examples of previous relevant works,
  • A list of references from previous works in the related field (Organization, supervisor(s) name(s) and contacts i.e. email address)
- ​A financial proposal in USD. 
The budget should give details of consultancy days as well as daily rates, along with management secretariat costs. Daily rates and expenditures should be shown separately. The offer should also show tax-except and taxable costs. Where costs are tax-exempt, explanations should be provided (please note that any costs for developing proposals in response to this assignment are not reimbursable)
WWF will directly pay for all axpress related to travels (if there is any), so those expenses should note appear in the consultant offer. The rate of Per diem and Accomodation should note exceed WWF's rate and the airfare is based on Economic class

Evaluation of Applications: 
An evaluation committee will review and rank the received offers. The evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any price proposal being opened and compared.
Applications will be evaluated as follows: 
  • Understanding and technical soundness and merit of methodology to execute the assignment (40 points); 
  • Organizational capacity and expertise to execute the assignment (25 points);
  • Past experience and performance relevant to the assignment (25 points);
  • Timetable (10 points)
The adjudication returns to the technical best offer (among those higher than or equal to 70/100) whose financial offer does not exceed the budget available. The possibility of negotiation is not excluded in conditions that the technical best offer makes a financial offer exceeding available budget.

Notes on canceling the current tender 
The current offer may be canceled under the following conditions: 
  • Competitiveness is not adequate;
  • No offers meet the requirements;
  • Received offers significantly overreach the proposed budget. 
Conditions of the tender

The proposed work will be carried out under contract attached as an annex to the present TORs. The contact will be drawn up after the offer has been confirmed. The consultant will assume all fiscal responsibilities relative to his/her tax status. As an independent employee, the consultant is responsible for the payment of any tax that might be demanded within the framework of this agreement, assuming that he is able to justify he is in good standing and up to date vis-à-vis administrative and tax authorities; otherwise, and in accordance with the law, WWF is obliged to withhold at source on the amount of its services or fees / bills, the percentage to be paid to the taxes authorities. For the particular case of non-resident consultants, the consultant is subject to the payment of the Tax on Income from Non-Resident (under Article 01.01.14.'s Tax Code CGI) up to 10% (or 5 % if based in Mauritius). A remark on this tax should appear in the financial offer.
The consultant will be subject to WWF management procedures at all times. 

Payment schedule 
Payment will be disbursed in installments as follows:
  1. 25% upon submission and approval of deliverables a), b) and c), and submission of an invoice detailing services rendered,
  2. 25% upon submission and approval of deliverables d), e), and f), and submission of an invoice detailing services rendered,
  3. 50% upon submission and approval of deliverables g), h), and i), and submission of an invoice detailing services rendered,
The invoice must contain the following information: name and address of the consultant, invoice date, unique invoice number, amount of fees free of charges, amount of taxes, service rendered, deliverable and/or number of hours charged, period in which service was provided, bank details. 
WWF cannot grant in advance honorary fees.

Fraud, corruption and conflict of interest declaration
Candidates have read entirely the WWF Policy for interests and the WWF Policy Conflicts for Prevention and the Survey of Fraud and Corruption. He understands his responsibilities to comply, and fully commit to it. He acknowledges he has no conflicts, as described in the WWF's Policy on Conflicts of Interest: https://bit.ly/2H2M8Ed

Candidates must respect the professional rules of conduct without any reproach in the conduct of its mandate. Furthermore, the contractor will ensure not to tarnish the image of the WWF execution of its mandate. WWF gives the right to terminate the agreement in proven cases of misconduct that can harm the WWF.