Forest and Water

Water Management & Fish Conservation Project, Ambalavao (Fianarantsoa Province)

The goal of the project is the maintenance of the main ecological and economic functions of the forest corridor between Andringitra and Ranomafana National Parks through the wise use of the renewable natural resources, in particular water.

Oct-Dec 2006

...worked on a reforestation plan for Ingidy forest, environmental education activities with the Vintsy Clubs (development of the arboretum and espace vert) and continuation of pisciculture activities of freshwater fish.

Oct-Dec 2005

...worked as a biologist on a technical project with WWF Ambalavo in Ankarimbelo, a small town located in the forest corridor between the Ranomafana and Andringitra National Parks. The project consisted of an analysis of the status of four fish species that live in the local rivers and the development of a project proposal for their conservation.

Fandriana-Marolambo Forest Landscape Restoration, Fandriana (Fianarantsoa Province)

Children living near the Fandriana-Marolambo forest, curious about the ‘vazaha’ (white person)
© WWF / Marjolein Kamermans
The moist forest in eastern Madagascar is characterised by tropical humid and sub-humid forests.

The particular landscape of Fandriana-Marolambo is situated between the Central plateau and eastern escarpment, South of Antananarivo, and is about 150,000 hectares in size.

The moist forests represent an important centre of endemism and contain many species of lemurs as well as over 20 species of small mammals. As their habitat becomes degraded or disappears, all of these species, found nowhere else, are at risk of disappearing forever.

The project goal is to restore the ecological services and socio-economic values of the Fandriana-Marolambo landscape within the Madagascar Moist Forest Ecoregion.

The project undertakes analyses of the main causes of forest degradation and identify and implement appropriate restoration strategies in partnership with local authorities and communities.

Apr-Jun 2007

...did a study on the crayfish market of Miarinavaratra. Crayfish are an important part of the Malagasy diet. Almost all crayfish for consumption in Miarinavaratra, are caught in high numbers in the Fandriana-Marolambo forest. They are sold locally, and/or exported to the capital Antananarivo where good money is being paid for large specimens. Crayfish are highly dependent on a healthy state of their forested habitat, but due to habitat loss, the population seems to diminish.

WWF is concerned that a drop in crayfish numbers may lead to a population that is too small to sustain itself, which will have catastrophic effects on the existence of the crayfish species.

» View Moira & Marjolein's video on their crayfish study in Madagascar

Manambolo Project, Ambalavao (Fianarantsoa Province)

This project aims to protect forests and wetlands, to improve living conditions of local people, to protect forest corridors between protected areas and to promote sustainable resource use.

The local community has been charged with managing a large section of high altitude forest and freshwater systems.

WWF is working with local communities to support their traditional management approaches as they apply to the conservation of forests and freshwater areas.

Agriculture is putting stresses on these resources and threatening the sustainability of biodiversity and the communities that depend on it.

Oct-Dec 2006

... in Namoly, worked with local community on Miora Project monitoring lemur habits and then mapping out and developing a forest ecotourism trail for lemur viewing.

» View the group's video on the creation of an ecotourism trail in Namoly, Madagascar

Water Resources Management for the Mahafaly Plateau, Itampolo & Ejeda (Toliara Province)

Beza-Mahafaly Plateau, Madagascar
The project aims at contributing to poverty alleviation through sustainable development in the Mahafaly Plateau, in the Southwestern region of Madagascar.

The Mahafaly Plateau covers much of the Southwestern region of Atsimo-Andrefana. This semi-arid area is a high priority area for the conservation of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity.  This is evidenced by the various scientific priority activities undertaken by WWF.

Within the Mahafaly Plateau is the Tsimanampesotse lake, the first site declared Wetlands of International Importance as part of the Madagascar's contribution to the Ramsar Convention.

July-Sept 2007

...worked on WWF’s water management environmental education activities in these 2 communities.

» View their videos