Earth Hour 2012 - I will if you will!

The train station in Antananarivo, Madagascar, was switched off during Earth Hour 2010
© WWF Madagascar / Martina Lippuner
Hundreds of millions of people, businesses and governments around the world unite each year in March to support the largest environmental event in history - Earth Hour. This year it will be celebrated on March 31st between 8.30 and 9.30 pm
More than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011, sending a powerful message for action that every individual can do to protect the planet. It also ushered in a new era with members going Beyond the Hour to commit to lasting action for the planet. Without a doubt, it’s shown how great things can be achieved when people come together for a common cause.

Earth Hour in Madagascar

In Madagascar, Earth Hour – Adiny iray ho an’ny tany! is organized for the third time and has been embraced by individuals, schools and dedicated representatives in the private sector. Various partners contribute every year to make Earth Hour a success. 

As only a minority of people in Madagascar has electricity in their homes, switching off the light as a symbolic act is not what we really want. But in the face of an alarming rate of deforestation everywhere in the country, we think it is time to act – and everyone can do his or her share to fight forest loss.

What is a “fatana” and what is a “fatana mitsitsy”?

A “fatana” is a stove to cook food and there are different ones – some use wood, charcoal or sunlight, but it’s not as easy as that! Some fatanas use more wood than others because they are very inefficient…Now think about the 90% in Madagascar who cook with either charcoal or wood and imagine they use a “fatana mitsitsy”, an energy saving stove, one that uses half of the fire wood or charcoal! Imagine how much forest could be saved! And put on your thinking cap: How can we convince people to buy a fatana mitsitsy as their contribution for Earth Hour, and beyond?

Join us!

Join the Earth Hour community and help us grow by getting your friends, colleagues and family to join us too. Here’s how:

Join us on Facebook

join the event and fan page

Join us as a school

Contact Rachel Senn Harifetra, Head of the Environmental Education Programme

Visit the Fatana mitsitsy fair trade in Antananarivo

Date: 30 and 31 March 2012

Where: Esplanade, Analakely (from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.)

What: Exhibition and promotion of different wood saving cooking stoves

Enjoy a candle light dinner in a restaurant

Celebrate Earth Hour in your own way
  • Have a candle light dinner
  • Switch off the lights
  • Brainstorm with your friends on citizen action
  • Blog about Earth Hour and what everyone can do to protect our planet
Let us know what you are up to

email us!


Fondation Tany Meva 
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Ministry of Energy
Fondation TELMA
Unis Vers Vintsy Tana

© WWF MWIOPO / Randrianasolo Mamy
The Queens Palace in Antananarivo switched off its lights for Earth Hour 2011
© WWF MWIOPO / Randrianasolo Mamy

Want to join?

Earth Hour 2012: Official Video